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Thank You to Veterans

  • 30 June 2017
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 3366
Thank You to Veterans

Thank a Veteran

                That’s the theme of the 31st Annual Navajo Nation Fourth of July Celebration and PRCA Pro Rodeo , which will be held on July 1-4, 2017 here in the Navajo Nation capital.

                Thanks to new partners, the Annual Navajo Nation Fourth of July Celebration and PRCA Pro Rodeo will include more Navajo and inter-tribal entertainment such as a traditional Navajo song and dance, an inter-tribal pow wow, gourd dance and Cultural Night.

                Navajo Nation Parks and Recreation Department Director Martin L. Begaye, stated, “Many Navajoland visitors come to visit the Navajo Nation to see our scenery, but we also want them to experience Navajo culture. The Fourth of July is a great time to spend quality time with family while enjoying the great outdoors. We want world-wide travelers to make the Navajo Nation a primary tourism destination and experience the interwoven beauty of the Navajo culture.”

                The Annual Navajo Nation Fourth of July Celebration will also include a PRCA Pro Rodeo that will be held on July 1-4th with Rodeo Slack at 8:00 am on Saturday, July 1st and nightly performances beginning at 7:30 p.m. at the Dean C. Jackson Memorial Arena on the Navajo Nation Fairgrounds. As an added bonus and new this year, first place winners will automatically be entered in the Days of 47 Production PRCA Pro Rodeo, which will be held in Salt Lake City, Utah on July 19-24th.

                Begaye noted, “One of our new partners this year are the Days of 47 Production out of Salt Lake City. Contestants have an added incentive to enter the PRCA Pro Rodeo here on the Navajo Nation and have an opportunity to win even more money if they win here.  We see this new partnership as a win/win for the Navajo Nation, contestants and the Days of 47 Production.  Rather than trying to compete against other rodeos, we want to create partnerships that will make it an overall enjoyable experience for everyone.”

                Begaye stated, “The Navajo Nation is the only place in the country that has a PRCA Pro Rodeo and a Navajo cultural showcase combined. This is a true blend of Navajo and western world entertainment….a one-stop venue that celebrates the spirit of the west and the legacy of the Navajo people.”

                And finally, the Navajo Nation Fourth of July Celebration will also honor and acknowledge veterans throughout the duration of the four-day event. Moreover, the founder of the Navajo Nation PRCA Pro Rodeo Edison Bitsui will also be honored on July 2nd prior to the 7 p.m. PRCA Pro Rodeo. Bitsui was instrumental in bringing the PRCA Pro Rodeo to the Navajo Nation…today the Navajo Nation is the only American Indian tribe that hosts a PRCA Pro Rodeo.

                The celebration will also include fireworks on July fourth, country/western dances and other outdoor activities for elders and the youth.  For more information, log onto:, or face book page.  Individuals can also call (928) 871-6478/7833.



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Categories: Parks & Recreation

Mailing Address:

Division of Natural Resources
PO Box 9000
Window Rock, Arizona 86515


Physical Address:

Indian Route #100
Building #1 - 2636 South Wing of OPVP
Window Rock, AZ 86515


(928) 871-6593/6592



(928) 871-7040


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